The AMCAD Multi-channel Switch Matrix platform comprises all the components required to route RF signals. It allows AMCAD to customize RF switch matrixes using a variety of relays and control systems. The platform’s enables us to handle RF sectors including space, military and Quantum computing.

AMCAD’s RF Switch Matrix solutions simplify and optimize RF signal routing for automated test benches. Designed for demanding environments like space, defense, and quantum computing, these systems combine performance, flexibility, and reliability. With advanced control options and tailored integrations, our switch matrices deliver intuitive RF path management and proven durability.

Product list

DC to 18GHz - 48 High Power Channels
0.1 to 18GHz – 32 SPDT Switches in 3U
2 to 26.5GHz - 8 channels max. performances


In an Automatic Test System, you may need to assemble different connectorized passive circuits,such as filters, switches and couplers, to address this need.

One of the challenges when assembling this type of system is: on the one hand, the controlof all the switching elements, on the other hand, the management of differentpath losses.

Study and optimized mechanical integration becomes crucial to minimize these losses.


AMCAD offers solutions to select the best componentson the market to integrate and drive. Using control building blocks, we offer aturnkey solution, including the hardware and software, ensuring the operators’fast handling of the solution. The rackable chassis can be customized to meetthe application needs and incorporates the fundamentals of AMCAD systems, suchas USB/LAN communication and alarm feedback from digital signals.

The control of these Rackmount RF Switch systemsthrough the control box simplifies the interaction between the different benchsystems using IQSTAR, a software solution from Dassault Systèmes' SIMULIAbrand.


This example presents a turnkey test solution comprising a switch matrix control for multi-channel component testing integrated into a 19″ 3U chassis. The box integrates switching relays, a power divider, and couplers for measurements...

The switches are controlled through an USB connection 


IQSTAR software provided by AMCAD Engineering, a Dassault Systèmes company, offers functionalities through the IQS100B-13 module (switch matrix control for multipath vector measurement). This module provides calibrated vector measurements across all reference planes of multi-channel circuits under test, such as beamformers, Tx/Rx modules, or other multi-channel RF devices.

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