
To solve this problem, AMCAD developed a control unit to manage effectively all modules connected locally.

This one standardizes the various connected instruments of the bench in order to facilitate control and increase reliability.

It consists of gateways adapting different communication protocols and making them homogeneous for high-level control software.

It has multiple connection hubs to address various instruments and gateways, all controlled via a central unit.

At a low level, the control unit standardizes the communication between all specific accessories/instruments connected to the test bench the same way IQSTAR does with test instruments at a high level.

On the one hand, it considerably reduces the work to be carried out by the software developer, responsible for developing the measurement application.

On the other hand, all main functionalities of the instruments connected to the control unit can be monitored in real time to ensure that there are no performance drifts. This enables predictive maintenance and reduces the amount of data that must be managed by high-level software.


A complete RF Test Bench comprises RF instruments, DC power supplies, temperature controllers and various accessories. Integrating off-the-shelf instruments can be complex as not all hardware meets the same standards or communication protocols. Moreover, some specific functionalities may not be natively implemented and must therefore be developed specifically for the need.

Inserting an (intermediate) broker between the low-level test instruments and the high-level software, such as IQSTAR, makes it easy to add additional functionalities without breaking the logic of the software, which remains generalist. The user thus configures the desired sequence of the high-level tests. The IQSTAR software executes the test plans. The control unit coordinates the various interactions between the instruments. It can also send alarm signals to the software in the event of a performance drift or a malfunction of an element.

Each test bench must meet specific requirements based on the measured devices, circuits or systems. Our control unit serves then as a bridge between the specific measurement needs of the DUT and the general measurement capabilities of the instruments and the software. It adds safety functions such as managing temperature and humidity sensors and supporting a stop punch button. It also allows a rapid and safe shutdown of instruments after a critical alarm.

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